The Summer Boulder League is back – 3 rounds over 3 months, 25 fabulous new problems per round and great prizes from league sponsor Taunton Leisure. This summer we’ll be featuring holds from event supporter Beta Climbing Designs – each round will feature a different set of holds from their stable. Round 1 kicks off with the fabulous AXIS holds – super soft and beautifully shaped these holds are friendly to your fingers and just perfect for some long intense sessions as you work through the problems set by Mikey and the team.
As with all our boulder leagues – taking part is easy. Score cards cost just £2 from reception – score your climbs and at the end of the month submit your card. There will be prizes for the round winners plus the most improved climbers between each round. Your highest two round scores will count towards our grand final qualifiers – successful boulderers will be invited to compete at our flash comp on 10th October.